Feline Parvovirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FPV Ab)

ingoa hua Momo Tono Haumanu Taputapu E tika ana Tikanga Whakatakotoranga Maharahara
FPV Ab Antibodies Aromātai i te pānga ārai mate o te kano kano parvovirus feline me te tātaritanga awhina o te mate H2/NTIMM4 Korekore te whenua nanocrystalline fluorescence Immunochromatography 10 nga whakamatautau / pouaka 2~40 ℃

Waoronga mate mate pukupuku kuri / Parvovirus / Parvovirus Canine Distemper Virus Antibody Immunochromatography Kit(ICHV/CPV/CDV Ab)

ingoa hua momo Te tono haumanu taputapu e tika ana Tikanga whakaritenga Maharahara
ICHV/CPV/CDV Ab Antibodies Te Aromatawai mo te paanga o te Virus Hepatitis Canine/Canine Parvovirus/Canine Distemper Virus i muri i te werohanga. H2/NTIMM4 Immunochromatography rewharewha nanocrystalline whenua onge 10 nga whakamatautau / pouaka 2~40 ℃

Canine Ehrlichiosis/Anaplasmosis/Lyme Disease Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(cEHR/ANA/LYM Ab)

ingoa hua momo Te tono haumanu taputapu e tika ana Tikanga whakaritenga Maharahara
cEhr/Ana/Lym Ab Antibodies Tirohia nga tohu o te anemia na te Ehrlichiosis/Anaplasmosis/Lyme mate i muri i nga ngau o te tohu H2/NTIMM4 Immunochromatography rewharewha nanocrystalline whenua onge 10 nga whakamatautau / pouaka 2~40 ℃

Feline Parvovirus/Feline Calicivirus/Feline Herpesvirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FPV/FCV/FHV Ab)

ingoa hua momo Te tono haumanu taputapu e tika ana Tikanga whakaritenga Maharahara
FPV/FCV/FHV Ab Antibodies Aromatawai i te whaihuatanga o te kano kano mate parvovirus manu/herpes feline/feline calicivirus H2/NTIMM4 Immunochromatography rewharewha nanocrystalline whenua onge 10 nga whakamatautau / pouaka 2~40 ℃

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus antibody Kete Ine (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FIV Ab)

ingoa hua momo Te tono haumanu taputapu e tika ana Tikanga whakaritenga Maharahara
FIV Ab Antibodies Te kitenga o nga mate immunodeficiency na te Feline Immunodeficiency Virus H2/NTIMM4 Immunochromatography rewharewha nanocrystalline whenua onge 10 nga whakamatautau / pouaka 2~40 ℃

Feline Herpesvirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FHV Ab)

ingoa hua momo Te tono haumanu taputapu e tika ana Tikanga whakaritenga Maharahara
FHV Ab Antibodies Aromātai i te pānga ārai mate o te kano huaketo herpes feline me te tātaritanga awhina o te mate H2/NTIMM4 Immunochromatography rewharewha nanocrystalline whenua onge 10 nga whakamatautau / pouaka 2~40 ℃

Feline Calicivirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FCV Ab)

ingoa hua momo Te tono haumanu taputapu e tika ana Tikanga whakaritenga Maharahara
FCV Ab Antibodies Aromātai i te pānga ārai mate o te kano kano calicivirus feline me te tātaritanga awhina o te mate H2/NTIMM4 Immunochromatography rewharewha nanocrystalline whenua onge 10 nga whakamatautau / pouaka 2~40 ℃

Feline Coronavirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FCoV Ab)

ingoa hua momo Te tono haumanu taputapu e tika ana Tikanga whakaritenga Maharahara
FCoV Ab Antibodies Ko te peritonitis hopuhopu i awhina i te tātaritanga me te aro turuki i te matapae H2/NTIMM4 Immunochromatography rewharewha nanocrystalline whenua onge 10 nga whakamatautau / pouaka 2~40 ℃

Canine Parvovirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CPV Ab)

ingoa hua momo Te tono haumanu taputapu e tika ana Tikanga whakaritenga Maharahara
CPV Ab Antibodies Aromātai i te pānga ārai mate ki te kano kano parvovirus kuri; Te whakaū i te mate CPV H2/NTIMM4 Immunochromatography rewharewha nanocrystalline whenua onge 10 nga whakamatautau / pouaka 2~40 ℃

Te Kete Ine Ake Ine Waa Kino Distemper Virus (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CDV Ab)

ingoa hua momo Te tono haumanu taputapu e tika ana Tikanga whakaritenga Maharahara
CDV Ab Antibodies Aromātai o te pānga ārai mate ki te kano kano huaketo distemper kuri, me te tirotiro i muri i te mate H2/NTIMM4 Immunochromatography rewharewha nanocrystalline whenua onge 10 nga whakamatautau / pouaka 2~40 ℃